2009 Boat Parade-Pig Roast 
Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Viewed: 75 times.

Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Viewed: 75 times.

Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Boat Parade, near Lakeshore Marina
Viewed: 80 times.

Clarke taking people to Pig Roast on Point
Clarke taking people to Pig Roast on Point
Viewed: 84 times.

Pig Roast
Pig Roast
Viewed: 92 times.

Pig Roast
Pig Roast
Viewed: 76 times.

Pig Roast, Bath House
Pig Roast, Bath House
Viewed: 80 times.

Pig Roast, Bath House
Pig Roast, Bath House
Viewed: 76 times.

Pig Roast, Bath House
Pig Roast, Bath House
Viewed: 83 times.

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ewed: 80 times.
Pig Roast, Bath House
Pig Roast, Bath House
Viewed: 76 times.

Pig Roast, Bath House
Pig Roast, Bath House
Viewed: 83 times.

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